IG Group Feng Shui Talk & Seminar

Delivered Winning in 2022, our signature forecasting program for IG Group at Singapore Sentosa Capella with celebrity host Irene Ang. Our date of birth and time contains valuable information for us to forecast which route we should take in 2022 to maximise our opportunities and to guard against unwanted pitfalls.

IG Group is an online trading provider, listed on the London Stock Exchange with revenue of £863.0 million in 2021. IG is regulated by the FCA, the UK’s financial authority body.

2022 IG Group Feng Shui Talk & Seminar

2022 IG Group Feng Shui Talk & Seminar

2022 IG Group Feng Shui Talk & Seminar

2022 IG Group Feng Shui Talk & Seminar

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