2023 Flying Stars Chart For Feng Shui

Cheat Sheet For 2023 Flying Stars To Transform Your Life  

2023 Feng Shui Flying Stars

As we enter the year 2023, it’s important to take a look at the annual 2023 flying stars chart. The chart is an essential tool for practitioners of Feng Shui, as it helps to identify the energy patterns that are present in our environment.

In the year 2023, the flying stars chart is dominated by the number 8 star, which occupies the South sector. The number 8 star is considered very auspicious in Feng Shui, as it represents wealth and prosperity. Therefore, if your front door, bedroom, or office is located in the South sector of your home or workplace, you are likely to benefit from the positive energy of the number 8 star.

However, it’s important to note that some negative stars are also present in the 2023 flying stars chart. For example, the number 5 star, which represents obstacles and misfortune, occupies the NorthWest sector. If your home or workplace is located in the NorthWest sector, you may experience challenges or setbacks in your endeavors.

To counteract the negative energy of the number 5 star, it’s recommended to place metal cures in the affected areas, such as a metal wind chime or a six-rod metal wind chime. Additionally, you can also consider using other Feng Shui remedies, such as placing a bowl of salt water in the NorthWest sector.

In summary, the 2023 flying stars chart is dominated by the auspicious number 8 star, but there are also some negative stars present. By understanding the energy patterns and taking appropriate remedial measures, you can maximize the positive energy and minimize the negative energy in your environment, leading to greater harmony and success in all aspects of your life.

  1. North: The number 9 star of future prosperity occupies the North sector in 2023, which can bring success, recognition, and fame. To enhance the positive energy, you can place a red carpet or a red lantern in the North sector. You can also use colors such as red or purple to activate the energy. This sector can be used for study and work. Conduct your sales call and email in this sector so it benefits you in the closing.
  2. NortheastThe number 7 star of violence occupies the Northeast sector in 2023, which can cause conflicts, lawsuits, and accidents. You can also avoid using the Northeast sector for important activities and keep the area well-lit. To reduce the negative energy, you can put up a picture with blue color or with a water pictorial there because Water can weaken Metal, which is the element of Star 7

  3. East: The number 2 star of illness occupies the east sector in 2023, which can cause health problems, disputes, and legal issues. To reduce the negative energy, you can place a Wu Lou or a metal pagoda in the east sector. You should avoid using the East sector for important activities and especially for sleeping.
  4. Southeast: The number 3 star of hostility occupies the SouthEast sector in 2023, which can cause arguments, legal issues, and misunderstandings. You can also avoid using the SouthEast sector for important activities and keep the area well-lit.
  5. South: The number 8 star of future prosperity occupies the south sector in 2023, which can bring wealth and financial growth. To enhance the positive energy, you can place a red carpet or a red lantern in the south sector. You can also use colors such as red or purple to activate the energy. This sector can be used for study and work. Conduct your sales call and email in this sector to benefit you in the closing.
  6. Southwest: The number 1 star of victory occupies the Southwest sector in 2023, which can bring success, promotion, and recognition. You can also use colors such as white or silver to activate the energy. This sector is especially good for activating benefactor and mentorship in your career.
  7. West: The number 6 star of heaven luck occupies the West sector in 2023, bringing good fortune, wealth, and career opportunities. However, due to the three killing and Year Breaker star also present in this sector, it is not advisable to use the West sector despite the fortune star is there.
  8. Northwest: The number 5 star of misfortune occupies the NorthWest sector in 2023, which can bring unexpected obstacles, accidents, and financial losses. To remedy the negative energy, you can place a six-rod metal wind chime or a saltwater cure in the NorthWest sector. You can also avoid using the NorthWest sector for important activities and keep the area well-lit.
  9. Center – The number 4 star of academic and literary success occupies the center sector in 2023, which can bring good luck in education and knowledge-seeking activities. You can also use colors such as yellow or beige to activate the energy. Children who are studying for exams can position their study desk in this sector.

2023 Flying Stars Chart on Four Dangerous Directions

In the 2023 Flying Star Chart, the four most dangerous directions are:

  1. The Grand Duke (Tai Sui) Direction: This direction directly faces the Tai Sui, which is the ruling energy of the year. In 2023, the Tai Sui is located in the East direction. Disturbing or confronting the Tai Sui is considered inauspicious, as it can bring misfortune, obstacles, and accidents.
  2. The Three Killings Direction: This is the direction that directly faces the Three Killings, which is a combination of three negative energies: the Robbery Sha, the Disaster Sha, and the Annual Sha. In 2023, the Three Killings are located in the West direction. It’s considered unlucky to disturb or activate the Three Killings, as it can bring financial loss, legal problems, and health issues.
  3. The Five Yellow Direction: This is the direction that’s affected by the Five Yellow, which is a negative energy that’s associated with obstacles, accidents, and misfortune. In 2023, the Five Yellow is located in the North West direction. Disturbing or activating the Five Yellow is considered inauspicious, as it can bring serious health problems, financial loss, and legal issues.
  4. The Year Breaker Direction: This is the direction that’s affected by the Year Breaker energy, which is associated with death, decay, and negative energies. In 2023, the Year Breaker House is located in the West direction. Activating or disturbing the Year Breaker House energy is considered unlucky, as it can bring health problems, accidents, and financial loss. It’s also important to avoid building or renovating in the Year Breaker House direction.You are advised not to do renovation such as drilling and hacking in the four dangerous directions as this will activate the negative energys at home or office.

Period 9 Feng Shui and 2023 Flying Stars

Although period 9 is known to start from 2024 – 2043 based on classical feng shui, I believe we are already in Period 9 since 2020, as the sign of Jupiter and Saturn conjunction happens on December 21, 2020. The most recent great conjunction occurred on 21 December 2020, and the next will occur on 4 November 2040. A great conjunction is a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn when the two planets appear closest together in the sky. Great conjunctions occur approximately every 20 years when Jupiter “overtakes” Saturn in its orbit.

The Lou Shu Square and Number System

The Lou Shu number is a concept in Chinese numerology and Feng Shui, also known as the magic square. It’s a 3×3 grid containing nine numbers, arranged in a specific pattern that adds up to 15 in each row, column, and diagonal.

The Lou Shu number grid is believed to have originated from a legend in ancient China, where a turtle emerged from the Yellow River with the magic square pattern on its shell. The pattern was later used for divination and Feng Shui practices, with each number representing a particular element, direction, or energy.

Here’s the arrangement of the Lou Shu numbers:

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

In Feng Shui, the Lou Shu number grid is used to determine the bagua, or the energy map, of a building. Each number corresponds to a specific direction, element, and energy, and can be used to enhance or remedy the energy patterns in a building. For example, the number 4 corresponds to the wood element and the east direction, while the number 9 corresponds to the fire element and the south direction.

The Lou Shu number is considered a powerful tool in Feng Shui and is often used in conjunction with other techniques to improve the energy flow and promote balance and harmony in a living or working space.

The Flying Stars System

The 2023 Flying Stars System is a complex system used in Feng Shui to analyze the energy patterns in a building or living space. It’s based on the idea that the energy in the environment is constantly changing and influenced by various factors, such as time, space, and human activity. The system uses a combination of numerology, astrology, and classical Feng Shui principles to determine the energy flow and provide remedies to enhance or reduce the energy patterns in a building.

The Flying Star System uses a grid-like chart, known as the Flying Star Chart, which is based on the Lo Shu square and contains nine sectors, each representing a specific direction and element. The chart is further divided into three layers, with each layer representing a different time period: past, present, and future.

The stars in the Flying Star Chart represent different types of energy, both positive and negative, and are influenced by the elements, directions, and time periods. The energy patterns are analyzed by examining the interactions between the stars, the elements, and the directions, and the remedies are prescribed based on this analysis.

The Flying Star System is considered a powerful tool in Feng Shui, as it provides a comprehensive analysis of the energy patterns in a building and offers customized remedies to enhance or reduce the energy flow. It’s often used by Feng Shui masters, practitioners, architects, and interior designers to create balanced and harmonious living and working spaces.

Your Personal Kua Number

The Kua number, also known as the Gua number or the Eight Mansions number, is a Feng Shui calculation used to determine a person’s auspicious and inauspicious directions based on their date of birth and gender. The Kua number is used in various Feng Shui practices, including personal Feng Shui and Flying Star Feng Shui.

To calculate your Kua number, you can use our Bazi calculator and key in your English date of birth and time that is on your birth certificate.

Knowing your Kua number can help you to enhance your personal energy and improve your luck in various areas of life, such as health, relationships, and career. For example, you can sit, sleep, or work facing your auspicious direction to improve your energy and attract positive opportunities.

The Wu Xing System (5 Element)

5 Elements Wu Xing

The Wu Xing System, also known as the Five Elements System, is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy, traditional Chinese medicine, and Feng Shui. It’s based on the idea that everything in the universe can be classified into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element is associated with a particular direction, color, emotion, season, organ, and body part.

The Wu Xing System is also known as the Five Phases or Five Movements, as each element is constantly interacting with and transforming into the other elements in a cyclical pattern. This interaction is represented by the Five Element Cycle, which consists of two cycles: the Generating Cycle and the Controlling Cycle.

The Generating Cycle is a cycle of nourishment, where each element generates or creates the next element in a clockwise direction: wood fuels fire, fire produces earth, earth gives rise to metal, metal holds water, and water nourishes wood.

The Controlling Cycle is a cycle of restraint, where each element controls or restrains the next element in a counterclockwise direction: wood controls earth, earth controls water, water controls fire, fire controls metal, and metal controls wood.

The Wu Xing System is used in many fields, including Chinese medicine, astrology, martial arts, and Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, the Wu Xing System is used to determine the element and energy patterns in a building or living space and to provide remedies to enhance or balance the energy flow. For example, if a room has too much wood energy, which can cause overstimulation and restlessness, adding metal elements can help to reduce the wood energy and create a more balanced environment.

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