2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar for ShareInvestor

Master Kevin Foong shares his insight on 2019 Feng Shui and great investment time line period at Shareinvestor keynote event (Singapore no.1 Financial portal for stocks.)

2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Master Kevin Foong with Shareinvestor

2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Master Kevin Foong with Shareinvestor

2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Master Kevin Foong with Shareinvestor

2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Master Kevin Foong with Shareinvestor

2019 Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Master Kevin Foong with Shareinvestor

Feng Shui Talk @ Shine

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