2018 Chinese Horoscope Snake Forecast & Zodiac

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2018 snake forecast


For people born in Snake years: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Career: You may lack focus in your career development in the year of the dog as possibly you find aligning your vision with the company is tough. Examine your option carefully when being offered for a new role as your new position may not be as green as it promises. Once you are able to confidently take up the position, establish good team work and rapport.

Wealth: The money opportunity is through indirect means, so one can consider the aid of a financial advisor or wealth expert to take your investment further. For the business people, you need to tap onto the external market to dominate further.

Love: You need to establish patience when seeking the right partner. Although there are many chance for single Snake people to fall in love, rushing into it might ended up with the wrong partner for 2018.

Power Message: Patience is the key to success

Lucky color: Green, Brown, Red

Lucky Number: 4, 9

Purchase your personalise 2018 Bazi 12 months report by Master Kevin Foong that gives you forecast advice so you can plan for a successful year ahead.

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