2018 Chinese Horoscope Rabbit Forecast & Zodiac

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2018 rabbit forecast


For people born in Rabbit years: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Career: It would be wise to invest on your personal and career development for this year. Spending on education and new skill sets should be the key focus as you will be able to bring greater value to the organization and this translate to higher position and reward in the future.

Wealth: Hard work is required this year through a stable career although money luck is still considered good. Patience is the key to unlocking investment wealth, so look out for long term investment growth rather than short term ones.

Love: Relationship luck are much better compared to 2017 as your people relationship star is shinning brightly. Being noticed by your social circle and gaining popularity in the year is one of the key for 2018. For married couple, the focus will be on your family life.

Power Message: Work Doubly hard for a Fruitful Year

Lucky color: White, Green, Brown, Blue

Lucky Number: 1, 4

Purchase your personalise 2018 Bazi 12 months report by Master Kevin Foong that gives you forecast advice so you can plan for a successful year ahead.

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