Kevin Foong:
Award-Winning Feng Shui Master Singapore

Attention: Those Navigating Major Life Changes

Are you facing a big move, a new career, or a personal milestone and feeling overwhelmed? Do you often wonder why you feel stagnant or blocked in achieving your dreams?

What if the layout and energy of your space could be the key to unlocking your potential?

How Our Traditional Feng Shui Approaches Help You Attain Enhanced Career Growth and Personal Harmony in 6-12 Months

Without Expensive Feng Shui Items that Don't Work


In a world where many Feng Shui masters emphasize the need for costly crystals, elaborate home décor, and a myriad of miscellaneous products, Master Kevin Foong (馮維宸) stands apart.

Renowned as one of the best Feng Shui masters, he navigates the intricacies of life’s energies to foster prosperity, harmony, and success through traditional and authentic methods.

Specialising in Classical Feng Shui Analysis, Master Kevin brings a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern practicality, positioning him as the only Feng Shui master that is sought by Fortune 500 companies and globally acclaimed brands spanning 18 nations.

Imagine transforming a stagnant, unharmonious environment into a thriving, energy-optimized space.

A space, be it personal or professional, can only thrive when aligned with the right energies. Achieving this balance in one’s living space, workplace, and personal life is not a luxury but a necessity for well-being and success.

This is where the expertise of our famous Feng Shui masters becomes invaluable.

With our deep knowledge and experience, we guide our clients through personalised and professional Feng Shui consultations, ensuring that your spaces become powerful catalysts for personal health, happiness, and business success.

Together with our Classical Feng Shui consultancy, transform your environmental challenges into powerful opportunities for growth and fulfilment.

Discover the potential of your space today with a consultation!

As Featured In

Where Energy Flows, Prosperity Grows

Our Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics Services

Discover the services we offer at our distinguished Feng Shui consultancy in Singapore!

Guided by reputable Feng Shui Master Kevin Foong, who has over 24 years of research experience, our renowned Feng Shui masters in Singapore prioritise the classical approach, concentrating on Imperial Feng Shui Land Form, San He Feng Shui, San Yuan Xuan Kong, Zi Wei Dou Shu and Xuan Kong Liu Fa.


By understanding the cosmic influences at the time of birth, Bazi Reading provides an in-depth analysis of one’s personal strengths, challenges, and potential life paths. This helps clients make informed decisions, harness their strengths, and navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively.


Residential Feng Shui focuses on harmonizing your living space with the natural world by understanding landforms, Qi flow, river mouth formation, and Qi energy regulation. This allows us to tailor recommendations to enhance the well-being and happiness of all occupants.


A Feng Shui audit for businesses aims to enhance commercial success by aligning the workspace with positive Feng Shui principles. This leads to improvements in employee well-being, customer satisfaction, and overall business prosperity.


Prosperity Live Burial involves selecting and preparing a specific site for burying symbols of prosperity in alignment with auspicious energy flows. It’s a traditional practice that aims to lay the groundwork for long-term financial success and stability.


This service provides expert advice on selecting the most auspicious date and time for cesarean delivery by harmonising the birth moment with favourable astrological conditions, aiming to enhance the health, fortune, and future prospects of the newborn.


Chinese Name Selection offers the powerful opportunity to choose or change a name in alignment with Feng Shui principles, enhancing personal energy, improving relationships, and opening doors to new opportunities.


This service provides parents with a harmonious and auspicious name for their newborn, based on Feng Shui and astrological insights. The chosen name aims to support the child’s life journey, bringing out their best qualities and aligning with their unique destiny.


Wedding Date Selection helps couples find the most auspicious day for their marriage. It ensures the wedding day aligns with positive cosmic energies, laying a foundation of love, harmony, and prosperity for the couple’s shared future.

Trusted By

Master Kevin Foong’s expertise has brought massive success to over 35,000 clients, including an extensive track record of Fortune 500 Companies, transforming lives and maximising company growth without needing to purchase any Feng Shui items.

Explore the Intricacies of Feng Shui at Our Esteemed Academy

Master Kevin brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to the forefront of our academy. As a Feng Shui practitioner who has advised Fortune 500 companies and individuals from various walks of life, his teaching approach is infused with real-world insights and practical wisdom.

Our leading academy has educated more than 25,000 students worldwide, conducting live seminars and online courses in China, Taiwan, New York, Manila, Malaysia, Australia, Dubai, and Singapore.

Discover the course that resonates with you. Enrol today and transform your understanding of Feng Shui!

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